Timeless design lasts for life.


Timeless design lasts for life.


We design solutions to improve your everyday sustainable habits.

Don't look for just good products, choose your heroes, and you'll never need anything else.


We're ready to follow you on every adventure, without ever leaving you stranded.

Have you ever thought about how many times you've had to say goodbye to your water bottle?
After some time, it just goes...poof! And it turns into a useless object to get rid of.

But don't be afraid! Our products are here to change the rules of the game.
Made with the highest quality materials, they're designed to withstand everything, because yes, life happens.

We're ready to follow you on every adventure, without ever leaving you stranded.


LIFETIME. We're not kidding.

You understood well.
We offer a lifetime warranty on every single product we design.

If your 24Bottles water bottle ever fails you (which is highly unlikely), we will be here to cover any manufacturing defect* and help you find the best solution to other incidents**.
Because when we say "for life"***, we really mean that 24Bottles will be your last water bottle, your HERO.



What are you waiting for? Join our family without worries.

And remember, our water bottle isn't just a product, it's a promise: the promise of endless hydration, non-stop adventure, and customer service that will make you feel like a rock star.
Because in the end, isn't that what "lifetime warranty" really means?

So, get ready to say goodbye to water bottles that don't keep their promises and say hello to your new adventure companion.
Because once you try our water bottle, you'll never want to go back.
And with our lifetime guarantee, you'll never have to.

Manufacturing Defect

We design our products to function perfectly during all of their lifespan, but sometimes (in fact, rarely) little details could slip during the manufacturing process.
Defective parts caused by little stumbles in the manufacturing process are covered by our 24Bottles Lifetime Warranty.


We know that life happens.
Unfortunately, our 24Bottles Lifetime Warranty doesn't cover any damage as a result of normal use.
But don't worry! Your water bottle can still be your hero.
Get in touch with our Support Team and they'll help you find the best solution to get you back on track. Because they're rockstars.


Are heroes immortal? We can surely start an eternal debate on the subject.
In the meantime, it is important to know what we refer to when we say "For Life" and "Lifetime".

The product's lifetime is referred to as its lifetime. Inevitably, this is pertinent to the lifespan of the parts and materials rather than your life or ours.
Although we utilize the best materials available to achieve the maximum durability, the lifespan of a product is determined by how well it is cared for and how much use it receives, not by how old it is.
All materials deteriorate over time with use and exposure to the environment.

But for sure, your 24Bottles products will be your trusted companions for great number of adventures, and yes, memories last for ever.

What does our Lifetime Warranty cover?

  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Compromised Insulation (Clima Bottle and Travel Tumbler only)
  • Support Team assistance for life

What does our Lifetime Warranty not cover?

  • Improper Use: It is important to use your 24Bottles with care. Damage caused by improper use is not covered by our warranty.
  • Unauthorized Modifications: Any modifications made to the product by unauthorized sources are not covered by our warranty.
  • Normal Wear: Constant use over time may cause small signs of wear, such as superficial scratches and dents, which are not covered by the warranty.
  • Accidental Damage: Accidents happen, but damage caused by accidental drops or impacts is not covered by the warranty.
  • Unauthorized Customizations: Modifications or customizations made to your 24Bottles by third parties are not covered by our warranty.
¿Cómo puedo limpiar mi botella de agua?

Limpiar tu botella 24bottles es muy sencillo. Despues de cada uso, te recomendamos que la enjuagues con agua tibia. Puedes utilizar agua tibia y jabon suave o una mezcla de agua tibia y vinagre. Asimismo, puedes usar una cucharada de bicarbonato sodico para obtener una solucion mas natural. Deja que la botella se seque boca abajo y desprovista del tapon. Las pequenas manchas en el interior de la botella, producidas por su llenado con bebidas como cafe o te negro, no afectaran a la seguridad o la vida util del producto.

¿Puedo lavar mi botella en el lavavajillas?

Los productos 24Bottles con acabado de acero inoxidable incoloro pueden lavarse en el lavavajillas. Sin embargo, no recomendamos lavar las botellas de otros colores en el lavavajillas, ya que se puede danar la pintura. Recuerda que cualquier dano causado por el lavado en el lavavajillas dejara sin efecto la garantia.

¿Puedo meter mi botella en el microondas?

No, los productos de acero inoxidable no son aptos para el microondas.

¿Puedo introducir mi botella en el congelador o en la nevera?

Puedes introducir tu botella Urban Bottle en el congelador durante un breve período de tiempo, pero ten en cuenta que los líquidos pueden congelarse y expandirse, lo que dañaría la botella. Puedes introducir tu botella Urban Bottle en la nevera con total seguridad.

No obstante, las botellas Clima Bottle y las tazas Travel Tumbler nunca deben introducirse en el congelador, ya que se puede dañar el producto y su capacidad térmica.

¿Cómo puedo probar el aislamiento térmico de mi botella?

Sólo para Clima Bottle y Travel Tumbler

Puedes probar el aislamiento térmico de tu botella de acero inoxidables realizando los siguientes pasos:

  1. Coloca el producto vacío sobre una superficie plana y limpia.
  2. Vierte con cuidado agua hirviendo en el interior del producto, hasta llenarlo aproximadamente unos 3 cm. No toques el producto mientras lo llenas.
  3. Espera 5 minutos y luego toca el exterior del producto. Si notas puntos calientes, puede que haya un problema de aislamiento. Espera a que el agua se enfríe por completo antes de vaciar el producto.

Your 24Bottles was designed to last a long time and offer exceptional performances. By following these guidelines, you will be able to enjoy your bottle to its fullest capacity.